Benefits of Mechanization in Agriculture
Mechanization of agriculture is a term used in vast sense. Mechanization does not mean to include the use of machines, whether mobile or immobile, small or large in size, it is run by power and used for both primary and secondary tillage operations like harvesting
Green Manuring is Essential for Farmers
Agriculture Scientists recommend “Green Manuring” a practice of soil enrichment by mixing the fresh green tissue into the soil. This green manure can either be grown on-site or brought from a distance. This addition of organic matter and nutrients improves soil fertility, structure, bio
Sustainable solutions to impact of land degradation and drought on Indian GDP
During the 2014- 15 fiscal, India lost more than 2% of its GDP (approximately Rs. 3 lakh crores)as a result of increased Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought (DLDD). Land degradation negatively impacts agricultural productivity due to a decline in land quality on site where
Water Scarcity in Agriculture: Predicting, Preventing and Protecting
Food grain production in India, in 2016-17, was 271.98 million tons. However, by 2020, the country’s farmers need to produce 300 million tons, to meet the ever-growing demand for food. Indian agriculture largely depends on the monsoon and so far, there
Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in the Agricultural Sector
Over the recent past, there has been a tremendous incline in the start-up economy. However, a very small percent of start-ups are focused on agricultural sector. The agricultural sector plays a pivotal role in growth and development for the Indian economy. It fulfils
Sustained Food Production Under Changing Climatic Conditions
Global food production must match the demands of over 7 billion people. The challenge is not only to provide enough quantity of food, but also to ensure quality food is accessible to everyone. An abundance of wealth, time and energy has been spent on improving
The Indian Agriculture Sector Has Scope for Massive Change, Time to Strike While the Iron Is Hot
The perpetual distress that the Agriculture Sector faces is seen by many as one of the most consistent problems we face as a country. A majority (more than 50%) of the country’s labour is employed in agriculture, however, its contribution to the GDP is
Aerobic Rice – (Sustainable way to grow Rice)
Rice is the most important food crop of India. Paddy uses largest amount of fresh water and covers 28% of the irrigated lands. Now we must produce ‘more crop per drop’ due to increasing water scarcity.
Aerobic rice is a type of rice cultivation adapted