Tag Archives: Agriculture implements
Cropping System in Hilly Regions
Cropping system is a component of integrated farming system which includes growing paddy, vegetables and horticultural crops by contour farming. Contour farming means growing crops across or perpendicular to the slope of the hill. This pattern of cropping system helps in breaking up the flow
Hand Sprayer for Agriculture Use
The hand sprayers allow you to do your own pest control and lawn care in a controlled and quiet manner. Mix your product and then pump the sprayer to the desired pressure to get the best results.
Electric Sprayer for Crop Protection
Electric sprayer helps to ease the effort of farmers in the crop protection process. This requires minimum effort but generates high pressure for efficient output.
With the increase in population, we need to increase crop production. It is also necessary to improve nutrition and effective
Folding Saw Tool for Garden Maintenance
Pruning garden plants improves the appearance and beauty of the plants and it will ensure the plants to remain healthy as pruning helps in controlling the diseases, pests and the plants tend to maintain their natural shape all the time. When it comes to trimming
Things to know about Power Reaper Machine
Harvesting is gathering ripened crop from agriculture field. This process requires more human power, so you need to spend more for labor. An agriculture reaper machine helps to ease your work and save
About Threshing Process
Threshing is the process of detaching the grains from the plants. This process involves separating grains from panicles, cobs and pods. Threshing is based on the principle that when,
Some impact or pounding is given on crops, the grains are separated from panicles, cobs or
How Paddy Transplanter helps to a Farmer?
Paddy farming is labor intensive and heavy-duty task. Agriculture implements manufacturing companies have introduced paddy transplanter so that farmers can save their time, effort, labor and cost.
Paddy transplanter is used to transplant rice seedlings onto the paddy field. There are two types i